Institute of Philosophy

Contactul. Fosa Staromiejska 1a, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 3666

Staff members

dr hab. Marcin Jaranowski, NCU Prof.
University Professor
Department of Practical Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy

room no: 303/304, Coll. Minus, Fosa Staromiejska 1a, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: 56 611 36 77
ORCID: 0000-0002-8590-6703

Philosophy of evil. Ethics, especially situational ethics. Ethical analysis of experiences and actions in a situation of oppression (with emphasis on the experiences of concentration camp prisoners). Existential approach to morality.

Office Hours:
Środa, godz. 11:30-13:00, pok. 304, budynek Wydziału Filozofii i Nauk Społecznych.

See profile in Research Portal