Contactul. Fosa Staromiejska 1a, 87-100 Toruń
tel.: +48 56 611 3666
zdjęcie nagłówkowe

Scientific research

The main fields of interests

The main fields of research held by the Department include philosophical logic, in particular applications of formal methods in philosophy and logical semiotics. The following topics are of particular interest to the employees and doctoral students of the Department:

  • non-classical logics (adaptive, epistemic, modal, paraconsistent, temporal, relating, logics determined by externally compatible equational theories);
  • logics of names and logical systems of Leśniewski;
  • algebraical logics (equational, P-compatible equational theories, connections between logic and universal algebra);
  • mereology, pointless geometry, pointless topology;
  • logical semiotics (basic research on semantics, pragmatics, philosophy of language);
  • proof systems, tableau methods;
  • applications of logical semiotics in cognitive science (non-monotonical reasonings, logical systems for artificial intelligence).